Monday, August 11, 2014

It Begins

     On October 24, 2012 I got a phone call that someone we knew was in labor and she wanted me there. I called Tori and we headed to the hospital. When we got there the security guard literally pushed me through the triage doors. I lost my flip-flop. As the door closes I see that my friend is being pushed by me. She was in active labor! Getting into the labor and delivery room the mid-wife decided to check and see how far along she was. She squatted down... and got soaked! She yelled at one of the nurses to go and get the doctor. Well he did not make it exactly 2  minutes later there she was.
     1:32 am she came into this world! Something was wrong! The mid-wife said "get NICU, STAT!" They took the baby into the next room. She looked normal enough when I saw her, but it was hard to see around all the nurses. Tori and I were ushered out of the room and the nurses took the baby to NICU. The word I kept hearing was cephalic. She was  8 pounds 4.6 ounces. Now all we could do was wait for the doctors to come and talk to us.
      I want to say that we waited for hours to find out what was going on, but it was only like 30 minutes. Tori and I were asked to meet the doctor in the waiting room. I almost forgot, at this time Tori was going to take the baby. I was just there for support. And little did we know that I was going to be VERY needed!

      A woman approached us, identifying herself as the baby's doctor. She told us that there was some "bad" news. There was something very wrong with the baby. She said they did a MRI and the results proved what the mid-wife thought. The baby had something called anencephaly. In other word she had no brain, just a brain stem. This woman proceeds to tell me that the baby will be dead in an hour and a half. I went off! I asked her who the hell she thought she was. "What are you going to do flip a switch and turn her off?" I told her I wanted to see the baby. I did not believe her! I do not really remember the rest of the conversation. I was really pissed off.


        My name is Cynthia but everyone calls me Cyn.  Nicole is my life partner and best friend. This is the story of a very special little girl who became the newest member of our family! Let me start by introducing everyone.
        My partner and I have three kids between us. Haley is the oldest, than comes Christopher, and little man Nicholas.The boys both have ADHD, so it is NEVER quiet here. Haley is hitting that pre-teen stage so she knows everything. That about covers us for now. I almost forgot about our friend, Tori. She and her son moved here from a colder state. By the way we all live in Florida. Nicole and I were working for a merchandising company and we were on the road alot. Christopher stayed with his dad, Nicholas stayed with my dad and Haley was either with a friend or with Nicole's mom. Little did we realize that we 5 would become, we 6. We always knew we wanted to have another child!